10 definitions by Newport Boo 813

The personal or underground secrets or personal business of co-workers or the entire work environment. People who know peoples work laundry are basically those who know their dirty laundry, but that of working area or corporate.
Jean: Man, supervisor James is a fucking crack-head I swear...he acts like one...
Marlow: Man why you spreading James work laundry? Janitor Bill and Pizza boy A.D. already head he was a crack head!

A.D.: Did you hear about Supervisor Heather? She slept with that one guy who orders the same chicken-bacon-club sandwhich everyday.
Sophia: Damn, everyone knows her work laundry..
by Newport Boo 813 May 6, 2008
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Term used when one is really high/blown. Bankhead refers to their personal ‘cloud 9’ or fictitious land they go to when extremely high. When in bankhead or going to bankhead, the results are extreme.
Jonny: Hey man, I got this bud today and it's got red hairs and everything in it.
Omar: O hell yea I'm smoking, this shit looks raw forreal.
Jonny: Oh yea, It's gonna take us to bankhead.

Ann: *calls Phoebe* Hey whats up!
Phoebe: Yo....*low tone*
Ann: what's wrong with you? Are you high? Did you smoke that dro Brodi sold to you earlier?
Phoebe: Yea...I'm in bankhead right now...
by Newport Boo 813 May 6, 2008
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Describing the physical symptoms of being high or intoxicated. When high, your common symptoms are heart rate is faster, eyes are sore or red; feet feel heavy, hunger, drowsiness, slurred speech, or confusion. When a person is ‘strokin’, they are describing how they are experiencing these symptoms in a nerve, aggravating, or uncomfortable way which is ultimately blowing a high or drunken stanza. When drugs are used, a person may ‘stroke’ which is failure in the brain or heart raced to fast and causes death. Therefore, when a person inflicts that they are ‘strokin’ during a bad high or trip, tend to their care or health.
Mae: Damn, what kind of shit was that Oliver? I fucking strokin.
Oliver: That was some good shit, why whats wrong with you?
Mae: My heart is pounding and my head is twirling!
by Newport Boo 813 April 4, 2008
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The act of giving someone half of the smoked cigarette. The person usually lights up a cigarette as another ask using the term ‘bust me shorts’ meaning letting them smoke half of still lit cigarette.
Person 1: Man I need to smoke this port.
Person 2: Ey' man bust me shorts on that.
Person 1: Man, I'm always bustin' shorts on you, buy your own pack!
by Newport Boo 813 April 4, 2008
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During the day, usually early mornings or early afternoons, drinking liquor or alcoholic beverages outside under the suns rays. When sun drinking you are commonly to become drunk or intoxicated quickly and at a stronger effect-especially if in the southern states where this word is most common (Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi). Sun drinking is mostly a southern myth by most but actually affecting millions each afternoon.
Brian: Damn look Cylde, that nigga is fucked up-I watched him! He only had one beer.
Cederic: Common man, it's like 2:00 in the afternoon and it's 91 degrees outside, that nigga was sun drinking duh.
Adelia: Hey Samantha you want to have a beer over by the pool and tan?
Samantha: Yea, but only one, I gotta go meet Billy's parents and I can't be sun drinking-it gets to me really bad!
by Newport Boo 813 May 6, 2008
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1.) The act of being hood or ghetto in a celebrative matter. When something or someone is ‘Hood Rich,’ it often expose high glam, popularity, southern hospitality, a little bit of income, a relax state of mind, or positive living in a not-so positive place. When it comes to some exerts of being Hood Rich, it can be viewed as enjoying a Friday evening with the block boys, pretty girls, cheap alcohol beverages, pressure (cannabis), and music enjoying a night-in a term like that, the even can be described as a ‘Hood Rich’ event.
2.) A Hood Rich person is someone living in a project, block, or ghetto that has a pleasant lifestyle of a type of lower social status luxery.
3.) A term describing a success from nothing to something.
Person 1: Damn nigga what a beautiful southern night! Girls, brew, pressure, and black-n-milds!
Person 2: Yea nigga this is Hood Rich!

Jackie: Damn look at Tommy he be looking all hooked up.
Lilly: I know right and he be staying up in them Rembrant Apartments, how he be doing that?
Jackie: I don't know that nigga got it Hood Rich though.
by Newport Boo 813 April 4, 2008
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1.) Referring to an area in South Tampa (S.O.G.) in the small hood community. It’s another reference for S.O.G. which stands for ‘South of Gandy’ as other slangers in the area now refer to it as ‘Gandy on Back’. Either term revolves around the Port Tampa community which is created by the square land masses (Westshore Boulevard to Gandy Boulevard extending to Bayshore Boulevard and turning onto Interbay Road).
2.) Short for ‘Goons of Baghdad’ which also reflects the South Tampa community as well. Goons of Baghdad refer to born and raised civilians of South Tampa/Port Tampa, dope boys, hustlers, and slangers. Baghdad, which is a certain area in Port Tampa where distribution is common, is coded to prevent police communications (Metro P.C.S. which is a common cell phone but wired tapped phone service which 93% people have a can afford in South Tampa). Goons come from referring a born and raised civilian to the S.O.G. life style. It’s also coded from police communications to prevent someone from saying a government name.
3.) A group in South/Port Tampa known as ‘Get Off Boyz’ which is also named to a specific group in Port Tampa.
All these terms revolve around the South/Port Tampa Community, which can be looked under South Tampa.
1.) Vick: Where you taking that sack man?
Nelly: Going to G.O.B., want to come?

2.) John: Whats good Boone!
Bones: What's good you G.O.B. nigga!
John: All day'erry day!

3.)Brody: Who we is niggas?!
Niggas shout: G.O.B.!
Brody: Dem boyz can't catch up!
by Newport Boo 813 April 4, 2008
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