1 definition by Neh meh 7

Used to fill empty silences. A number used for anything. Whatever the hell you want it to mean. Pretty much the only number you'll ever need. Whenever it shows up in a situation, there is large excitement. A way to get out of answering awkward questions.
A: "Seven."
A: "What time is the movie?"
B: "Seven." (even if it isn't.)
A: "Did you kiss him last night?"
B: "Well... seven..."
A: "Did you DO him last night?"
B: "Seven."
A: "How was it?"
B: "Seven."
A: "Are you mad at me?"
B: "Seven."
B:"Neh meh..."
A: "Do I look fat in this?"
B: "Well... seven."
by Neh meh 7 April 21, 2008
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