33 definitions by Nedd Ludd

(MASS-iv KORE-ah-nair-ee) noun. a Jewish heart attack
Rose: Oy vey! Sylvia, have you heard?
Sylvia: Nu?
Rose: It's Eugene. G-d forbid! He has had a massive coronary already.
Sylvia: Thank G-d it wasn't a goyish heart attack.
Rose: You're telling me!?
Sylvia: Pooh, pooh, pooh.
by Nedd Ludd September 20, 2005
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(spun like a duck) adj. modification of spun used in reference to someone on an extended methamphetamine high
Albert: Shit man! I saw Sue today...
Billy: ...and she was tweaked?
Albert: Man, she was spun like a duck.
Billy: Yup, I told you that she's a fuckin' sketcher.
by Nedd Ludd August 23, 2005
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Mother's Day (MUH-thurz day)n. the first day in a new month when welfare, moreover disability or social security checks, are received by mail or direct deposit
>at the trailor park<
Sue: "Thank christ it's the first of the month."
Maryann: "Why is that?"
Sue: "It's Mother's Day and I can buy some stuff."
Maryann: "Don't you think you should pay rent and utilities first?"
Sue: "Fuck off Maryann."
by Nedd Ludd October 3, 2005
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(GLOW-bowl KAHM-unz) noun. natural resources (such as pure water and clean air) that should be provided for everyone free of charge, regardless of socioeconomic status for they belong, worldwide, to everyone- EQUALLY!
sane person: "If Suez, the conglomerate that fucked up Atlanta's water and sewer system, hooks up with Omni-tems and the neo cons the global commons is truly in jeopardy."
another sane person: "They would like nothing better than the privatization of everything.
sane person: "Yeah, the next thing you know they will be selling us air!"
another sane person: "Well, it's like Lenin said, 'The decline of capitalism leads to fascism.'"
by Nedd Ludd September 30, 2005
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(WHRET-row-wish) n. the condition which can arrise if you fail to forward a chain email
Sue: "OMG. The instructions at the end of that stupid chain email said that I had to forward it to 10 people in the next 10 minutes or my wish would be cancelled."
Sally: "How many people did you send it to?"
Sue: "Uh, eight, I think. Now what?"
Sally: "Well then, I guess you will have yourself a retrowish."
by Nedd Ludd September 29, 2005
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noun: a gay man who looks and acts overly masculine

adj.: the get up a gay man wears when he wants to appear masculine that usually incorporates laced up work boots, tight Levi's 501's, a tank top and a black leather jacket
1. Tod: I wanted to get plowed so I picked up this hot man at the circuit party last night.
Ted: Did he poke you?
Tod: Yes honey and he was sooo butch. I loved it.
Ted: Lucky you.

2. Ted: Look at HER! Who does she think she is in that get up?
Tod: Yeah! Who's she tryin' to fool? What a mess!
Ted: Is that supposed to look butch?
Tod: I don't know but he could plow my hole anytime.
by Nedd Ludd September 17, 2005
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(FUK noze) noun. 1. a real asshole, a bastard, a prick, a son of a bitch, an idiot, a fool, a schmuck, a looser, etc 2. a dimunitive used most affectionately with a twinge of the sarcastic
Terry: Sue, you are really a greedy bitch.
Sue: Why? What did I do now?
Terry: You smoked up all my shit goddamnit!
Sue: Yeah, well, I'm a fuck nose.

Sue: Hi Maryann. What's up?
Maryann: Hey fuck nose. How are ya doin?
Sue: Not bad for a fuck nose- thanks.
by Nedd Ludd September 18, 2005
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