33 definitions by Nedd Ludd

(post post ger-nah-liz-em) noun. the situating that occurs when one has the opportunity to watch one’s fatal demise from a position of relative comfort, then having survived the incident one gives an aural as well as visual account of the harrowing situation from a position of relative comfort
Wolf Blitzer: OMG! Look at that plane's fucked up front wheel! How will they ever land it?
other talking head: I don’t know. Let’s watch it all later.
Wolf Blitzer: Now this just in…
Later in Situation Room:
Wolf Blitzer: We now have a CNN exclusive interview with a CNN correspondent who just happened to be on that plane with the fucked up front wheel. Let’s tune in .
survivor/reporter: …So, there we were. We watched our plane going around and around for 3 hours on the tv screens in the backs of the seats in front of us. And we didn’t die in a fiery crash either. OMFG! This is definitely a case of post post journalism.

by Nedd Ludd September 23, 2005
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adj. used to describe a state of being of a person, place or thing
example 1:
Michael: Sue, what's wrong with you? You look like shit today.
Sue: I wuz up all weekend. Now I'm totally shot.

example 2:
You wouldn't have liked New Orleans, and now, after Hurricane Katrina it's shot. You'll never be able to see it for yourself.

example 3:
Sue: Hey, is there any shit left in that bag?
Maryann: No fuck-nose you did it all, it's shot.
by Nedd Ludd September 12, 2005
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an ARE-me of too adj. refers to the words written across a tight tee-shirt of a woman with large breasts
dude 1: Holy fuck! Check out that bitch with the boobs!
dude 2: Fuck ME!
dude 1: No shit. What the fuck does her tee-shirt say on it man?
dude 2: It says "An Army of Two!"
dude 1: Cool.
dude 2: Totally cool.
by Nedd Ludd September 12, 2005
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1337 (THURE-teen thur-tee-SEV-en)n. 1:37PM military time
Ted: "Tod, what time do you have to leave for your appointment?"
Tod: "What time is it now Ted?"
Ted: "Why Tod, It's exactly 1337!"
Tod: "Oh shit, I'm gonna be late."
by Nedd Ludd October 3, 2005
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(dilltff) noun. abbreviation or anagram for 'Dad I'd like to fuck'
Sue: Wow, check out that fine guy over there.
Sally: The one with the kids?
Sue: Whatever. He is definately a diltf.
Sally: You're right.
by Nedd Ludd September 23, 2005
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(GAY-speek)n. communication between homosexual males (usually in private) who speak in a familiar manner that comes across, initially ,as polite discourse but it is usually loaded with rancor and/or sarcasm

Tod: "Hey Queen. Don't you look lovely today"
Ted: "Thank you Miss Thing! I do don't I?"
Tim: "You two are a real mess."
Tod: "What's her problem? Didn't get any last night?"
Ted: "Whatever! The bitch thinks she's all that..."
Tim: "You girls work my nerves with all that gayspeak. You sound like a couple of black women."
Tad: "You know what they say honey: Trapped inside every gay man is a black female entertainer."
Tim and Tod: "Thank you honey!"
by Nedd Ludd September 30, 2005
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(MASS-iv KORE-o-nair-ee) noun. A Jewish heart attack
Rose: Oy Gevalt! Sylvia, have you heard the news?
Sylvia: Nu?
Rose: Eugene had a massive coronary today.
Sylvia: Thank G-d it wasn't a goyish heart attack.
by Nedd Ludd September 20, 2005
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