33 definitions by Nedd Ludd

(FREE-kwent FLY-er) noun. someone who wants a discount or freebie because they purchase controlled substances from the same supplier on a regular basis
Sue: Hey, I want to buy another teener today. Could I have a discount as I am a frequent flier?

Sue: Since I am a frequent flier can I get this at half price?
by Nedd Ludd August 22, 2005
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(SKETCH ur) n. word used in labeling methamphatamine users who get high and draw for hours rendering them oblivious to everything else (see tweaker, speed freak, meth head
Dude: Shit man. I tried to hit on Sue but she totally igged me today. What's her trip?
Other Dude: She's a fucking sketcher and don't care bout nothin else when she gets high.
Dude: That's the shits.
by Nedd Ludd August 23, 2005
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shoe gazer (SHOO gay zer) n., pl. -ers 1. synonym for emo. 2. gerund: the physical posture an emo assumes while listening to emo music
example 1: Dude 1: Yo dude! What's up with that chick? Why is she staring at the ground like that?
Dude 2: She's listenin' to emo music dude, she's a fuckin' shoe gazer.

example 2: A group of 10 shoe gazers committed suicide at the Morissey concert last night.
by Nedd Ludd September 2, 2005
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(DIR-tee katch) n. having your pee test at the methadone clinic come back with narcotics in it resulting in a reduction of one's take home doses
Sue: "For fuck sake Maryann. I thought that you gave me a clean catch in that last Elmer's Glue bottle."
Maryann: "Shit Sue! I'm sorry. What happened?"
Sue: "That bitch at the clinic said I had a dirty catch. Now they are gonna cut back on my take home doses."
Maryann: "Well, you are the one who wanted to get high with me, remember?"
by Nedd Ludd September 30, 2005
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1. noun TLOTR is often erronously called a trilogy, when in fact it is a single novel, consisting of six books plus appendices, sometimes published in three volumes.
The first volume, TFOTR, was published on 29 July 1954 in England, 'with an edition for the USA following' on 21 October of the same year.
The second volume, TTT, was published in England on 11 November 1954 and in the United States on 21 April 1955.
Volume three, TROTK, finally appeared in England on 20 October 1955 and in the United States on 5 January 1956.
With the appearance ot the third volume, TLOTR was published in its entirety, and its first edition text remained virtually unchanged for a decade. (Tolkein made a few small corrections, but further errors entered TFOTR in its second impression when the printer, having distributed the type after the first printing, reset the book without informing the author or publisher.)
In 1965, stemming from what then appeared to be copyright problems in the United States, an American paperback firm published an unauthorized and non-royalty paying edition of TLOTR.

2. noun (the cinematic masterpieces of considerable acclaim) TLOTR was adapted for the screen by Peter Jackson in the beginning of the 21st century. The New Zealand born director released three separate movies based upon the three volumes of TLOTR.
1. x: Hey, what are you reading there dude?
y: It's a book.
x: What's it called?
y: The Lord of the Rings.
x: It looks like a long story.
y: It is a very , very long story.
x: Well...
y: Shut up. I'm trying to read.

2. x: Let's smoke some of this gak and watch the entire Special Edition of The Lord of the Rings!
y: Again?
x: Why not?
y: Do we have enough dope for all 36 hours?
x: I'll call Sue, that shikse always has dope.
y: Cool. Let's do it.
by Nedd Ludd September 15, 2005
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(TOCKS ick GUM bow) adj. in reference to the foul, fetid, putrid, industrially polluted, bloated corpse filled flood waters that innundated 'soup bowl' shaped New Orleans for weeks after the damage from Hurricane Katrina caused the unsafe levee system to fail miserably
evacuee on roof 1: Gee, I wouldn't drink that water if I were you.
evacuee on roof 2: Why not? I'm thirsty as hell.
evacuee on roof 1: It looks like toxic gumbo to me. Wait for FEMA to rescue us. They'll be here soon.
evacuee on roof 2: I think I saw them over at the nursing home.
by Nedd Ludd September 18, 2005
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IUD (eye-you-DEE) n. although it does not yet exist, IUD is an anagram for International Urban Dictionary
Sally: "Gee, I really like the UD. How about you?"
Sue: "I guess, but UD is narrow in scope. It has 99% English words."
Sally: "Shit Sue, you're trippin'.
Sue: "Whatever. I think an IUD would be more inclusive."
Sally: "Shut the fuck up. You're talking nonsense. The editors would never go for it."
Sue: "Fine, I'll start my own then."
by Nedd Ludd October 2, 2005
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