26 definitions by Naomi

in hebrew slang - means a great success, far more than what you imagined
my grade is above and beyond the coated
by Naomi March 14, 2005
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a description of something that is gooey and drippy.

a word invented by my kids
there is wallpaper glue on the floor, you step in it, it is goopy.
by Naomi January 3, 2004
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Anti-bush means you are against the over growth of pubic hair in your nether region. A prefence for short or no pubic hair.
Because I am "anti-bush" I shave a minimum of 2 times per week to maintain my well kept genital garden.
by Naomi February 3, 2005
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When a homosexual or bisexual "comes out" (of the closet) and then changes their mind and pretends to be straight again. From "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe" by C.S Lewis, where you go in the wardrobe (closet) to get to Narnia.
"What happened to your ex, Naomi?"

"Oh, she went back to Narnia."
by Naomi January 23, 2005
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when someone is hot with the cops
Yo, stop bein such a hotbox, put that shit away.
by Naomi December 6, 2003
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A wet fart or suprise diarrhea. Will most definately need a fresh pair of undies afterwards.
Eric had a squirtle when he was doing jumping jacks yesterday. Luckily it didn't make it down his leg.
by Naomi February 3, 2005
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A shoujo anime series starring a 16 year-old girl who finds herself in many strenuous sexual hijinks with the Sohma family (who happens to turn into the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac when hugged by a member of the opposite sex). So kawaii!
Fruits Basket is the best anime series ever!
by Naomi August 8, 2004
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