44 definitions by My Name Is Hugh...Mungus

A sick freak that is the worst kind of person in the world next to a child molester. Contrary to belief, rape isn't about sex, but about a feeling of control and power over someone (most often a woman) Rapists fall in between child molester (the worst) and terrorist (the third worst) in the top ten SCUMBAGS list
Earl: Hey, Scott, did you hear about Douglas

Scott: No, what about him?

Earl: He was arrested for rape, and plead guilty

Scott: Rapists are worse than terrorists

Earl: Yup, indeed they are.
by My Name Is Hugh...Mungus November 30, 2010
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A professional wrestler who relies mostly or entirely on high spots to wow the fans, but rarely has any technical ability. There is a difference between a high flyer and a spot monkey. High fliers generally have technical skills and/or brawling skills to back up their high flying moves, while spot monkeys generally are just acrobats with little to no actual wrestling talent.
Dale: Are you going to watch the Jack Evans match?
Scott: He's a spot monkey, but I'll still watch it since he has a good opponent that can carry him and make him look good
by My Name Is Hugh...Mungus December 27, 2011
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An all female professional wrestling company in the US. Owned by ROH Commentator Dave Prazak, and is a sister company of ROH. Does women wrestling better than WWE and TNA. There is not very many women in SHIMMER that can't wrestle, whereas in the WWE, you have mostly bikini models with no formal wrestling training whatsoever, and never had to work the indies to get contracts, and only got contracts based on their looks, with the exception of a few like Nattie Neidhart, and Beth Phoenix.
Steve: You going to watch the WWE women's match tonight, it's Maria vs. Eve Torres.

Scott: I rather have sex with your obese mom than watch two women who have NO TALENT wrestle. I'm going to watch real women wrestlers like Sara Del Ray and Cheerleader Melissa on SHIMMER Women's Athletes.
by My Name Is Hugh...Mungus July 9, 2009
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Originally a term to describe a man who loves watching his wife fuck other another man, or multiple men at the same time, while he just watches and masturbates. Nowadays it's basically a term for a pussy who let's women walk all over him..aka a DOORMAT
Jim: Last week my wife wouldn't let be drink a beer. I only wanted a single pint
Biff: Dave, you're such a cuck. Stand up for yourself for fuck sake
by My Name Is Hugh...Mungus October 12, 2018
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An online only radio station that plays only remixes of olf Commodore 64 and Amiga game tunes (mostly c64). Founded by a person by the name of Slaygon, and it even has remixes of turnes that were actually done by the same people who wrote the original as well as remixes from others.
Jim: Were you listening to American Top 40 yesterday

Scott: Fuck that mainstream crap, I was listening to undeground RAP, rock, and SLAY Radio/
by My Name Is Hugh...Mungus June 25, 2009
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A "popular" troll on YouTube who uses several accounts and has no life other than to spew racist bullshit in his vids. He does not even show his face, instead he's a complete and utter pussy that uses a TTS program to make his vids, and draws fake penises over his "victim's" mouths. He calls his vid "Burial" vids and claims to "bury" people in his videos. He's basically a whitetrash redneck trailer trash hillbilly.
Joe: Did you listen to that "Burial" vid that ricflairfuckingsucks did on 2pac?

Dave: Nah, I just ignore people that have no lives other than to bash people on YouTube for no reason other than to get attention.
by My Name Is Hugh...Mungus July 9, 2009
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