13 definitions by Muhahahanafawnabanana

The number after 71.
seventy... seventy-one... 72
by Muhahahanafawnabanana September 2, 2005
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Pronounced like miricle only replacing 'queer-' where the 'meer-' should go.
Queericles are people who are so gay it is a miricle to the gay culture.
Derrik bleached his hair, he is a now queericle.
by Muhahahanafawnabanana September 8, 2005
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A horrid movie. Full of false rebellion. With a thirteen-year-old who decides to be a whore.
A: I saw that movie Thirteen last night.
B: I am so sorry for you.
A: I know it sucked, I think I want to kill myself now.
by Muhahahanafawnabanana November 4, 2005
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A very good all girl band. That actaully plays their instuments.
The like is an awesome band, it would be good for one to check them out.
by Muhahahanafawnabanana November 5, 2005
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The emo or goth children who are afraid of what people will say about them, so, they run aroung whining "don't lable me!!" Those children also buy all their clothing from Hot Topic and Zumies.
I wish the mallcores would stop whining saying, "don't label me!" It is easier to just say "I don't care". But they are afraid of what people will say of them.
by Muhahahanafawnabanana November 5, 2005
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My mom wants me off the computer, but I told her it was OOTQ.
by Muhahahanafawnabanana November 4, 2005
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