13 definitions by Mr. Nice Guy

When a person is an ecstacy you use a Vick's Vaport Inhalor and blow the vapor in their eyes and nose and mouth while massaging their face.
I'm rolling balls dude gimme a sea breeze.
by Mr. Nice Guy February 17, 2005
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decription of measuring cocaine usually by the ounce
I had to measure flakes by the oz.
by Mr. Nice Guy February 17, 2005
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1) a 2nd plan in case Plan A doesn't work out

2) a girl that you can call when you can't find any other girls that night.
I couldn't find any bitches, so I'll call Kim she's Plan B.
by Mr. Nice Guy February 17, 2005
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a term used to describe someone who is dirty (has STD's) or has been extremely promiscuous.
Don't sleep with her she has gonoherpaciphilaids.
by Mr. Nice Guy February 17, 2005
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