15 definitions by Mole

When you punch at the sky in anger.
God, i just got fired, i better go sky punch now.
by Mole March 6, 2005
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One who has bad acne and an affinity for cheese popcorn.
by Mole September 18, 2003
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an ugly girl who shops at good will and makes her make up out of rust
Did you see kourtney today? She looked so rusty!! She looks like a horse!!
by Mole September 23, 2003
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Brian Govier; First place in state for Cross Country!! (Shy boy w/ hot girlfriend)
We love you Iceman!!! Run BG Run!!!!
by Mole January 11, 2004
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When you play Halo and think you're winning all the time and you say you are going to dominate bitches but you actually dont.
What the fuck, Fatchie, Stop being a Halo-er and get better, fattie.
by Mole March 7, 2005
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Mario Rodriguez is a Melter because he doesnt want to go off-roading in his truck
by Mole May 1, 2003
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