38 definitions by Mic

A secret stash of money usally used for the most part in emergencies only.
I used my locker to hold my slush fund not my books.
by Mic February 10, 2004
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a fresh batch of dog shitthat comes from a human, (its true)
damn it! i just had a moist shit in my pants.
by Mic August 6, 2004
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When your mom is being a bitch and won't let you do anything. Its an easy way to call your mom a bitch when your pisses, and she won't knoe wat your saying.
by Mic August 6, 2004
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A "Shible" is when you fart when its really hot outside and your underwear sticks to your asshole.
Dude that was one good "Shible"
by Mic August 5, 2004
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True Story: I was in my Study hall class this year and me and my friends Danny wanted to leave class. So we walked up to the Sub (our real teacher wasnt there) and said we want to leave. Being a gay ass sub she wanted our names in case we skipped school or something which would have been increadibly stupid considering all of our belonging were still in that class. anyways shes asked me my name. I told her. She then asked for dannys and before he could say anything i said danny sperdizzle. The sub then replized. How do you spell that.
Hey spermdizzle, gets your fat ass over here
by Mic August 5, 2004
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A really weird Kid. Says random things that are funny as shit sometimes, and other times really weird.
Drew Sulivan is a Dildo!
by Mic August 6, 2004
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the city (and/or house, neighborhood, hangout, etc) where a group of dopplegangers and/or dopplelopogouses live and/or hang out
1.not so bright kid: hey lets go to sally's party

cool kid: naw man don't you know that her house is like a dopplelopotropolis

2. not so smart kid: (looks @ girl) man i'd hit that
cool kid: man that girls like the mayor of dopplelopotropolis.
by Mic June 14, 2004
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