3 definitions by Mensch K

To indulge in marathon, binge-like behaviour in regards to watching DVD's of The West Wing. Sessions may last anywhere from 4 straight episodes up to the entire 7 seasons.
I was West Winging all last week and now I know the Bartlett administration better than my own government.
by Mensch K March 18, 2009
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To "chip a ranga", that is to throw some potato chips at or around a red-headed person ( preferably a small child) in a public space and watch the seagulls or other scavenger type birds descend.
I was at the beach the other day, I saw a little ginger kid and decided to Chip-a-Ranga.
by Mensch K March 18, 2009
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To de-friend someone you were never really friends with in the first place. Usually done to an acquaintance, or friend-of-a-friend that you can't be bothered acknowledging any more.
I think I need to D-Pash her, I see her everyday on the bus but I have nothing to say. Its so awkward.
by Mensch K March 18, 2009
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