1 definition by Max G D

The dude you know whose always with you and you're boys clubbing, but is either A: one who gets no tail, B: on the lower end of your posse's social hierachy/new, or C: is a terrible rock paper scissors player, which therefore means he's the go-to guy to "Distract" the hot lady you're chatting with's fat, cockblocker, friend for the night.
Bro: "Wow, can't deny the loyalty and stamina of Ralphie boy over there, he's a team player alright! word on the street says he took home Linda's friend "Wide Shelly" last night from the club!"
Other Bro: "Ohhhhhh man, he survived a night with "Wide Shelly"?! I don't I could take that kind of abuse! He must be getting paid!"
Bro: "Naw Bro, team players never do it for the money, they do it for The Bros!"
by Max G D February 25, 2008
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