22 definitions by Maverick

Having ones cock sucked. A simple mix of the two words.
Man he got cucked by that babe!
by Maverick December 27, 2005
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A word of extreme disipointment commonly used with anger
Brother 1: I just tore your Spiderman #1
Brother #2: PHOM!!!!!!!!!! PHOM PHOM!!!!!! I'm gonna phom you up!
by Maverick September 3, 2003
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An designated area where one or more {homosexual) parts dept. employees handle truck parts, and each other.
"Meet me at the Back Counter, Marco".
"Ok Joe".

Or "Back door, Back counter, whats the difference?"
by Maverick December 12, 2003
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1. A term to describe a beautiful woman. A woman whose beauty words can't describe. A very sweet girl
2. Sues mother.
ex. "She's such a weetsie"
"she's my weetsie wie"
by Maverick June 3, 2004
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A place that used to sell mindless executive toys but now sell to their kids.
"Wow cool leather rhinocerous ottoman"..10 years later.."Hey dad can you buy me this $70 t-shirt?"
by Maverick March 5, 2005
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Batman holds a knocked out Robin under his arm like a bag of ice.
Batman: Delicious....
by Maverick August 29, 2003
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