45 definitions by Matthew678

A synonym for shut the front door and a useful expression for shut the f**k up without really swearing.
Person 1: Can you say the F-word?

Person 2: Shut the front gate!!
by Matthew678 March 22, 2019
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A funnier way of calling someone a dumb@$$ without swearing.
Stop stealing my stuff for no reason you dumbalps!
by Matthew678 May 19, 2019
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Due to the pronunciation of the word hassle that reminds people of the word a**hole, it can be used as a euphemism for a**hole.
He's a total hassle!
by Matthew678 January 16, 2019
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A made-up word replacement for f***in' or f***ing when swearing isn't appropriate.
by Matthew678 December 12, 2019
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Can also be used as a euphemism for f***ing when you don't want to swear.
That video was so trucking funny!
by Matthew678 May 18, 2019
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Used as a euphemistic reference to the word sh*t without actually saying it.
I can't believe he said the S-word in front of me!
by Matthew678 February 16, 2019
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