104 definitions by Martin

a guy who plays Pokemon on his mobile phone when he has a super computer and gets shouted at by Chakra
you daft cunt bubbling, donkey raping, bus hijacking, jockey faced fucktard, porn star stalking, cock slave, ass clown, noob feaces, ass clown motherfucker.. arse bandit, bitch slapping, shit faced cock sucking, dick wad
by Martin February 10, 2005
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Compromising to such a degree that the other party get everything on their agenda.
Their negotiator alked so much that I thought I'd won the lotto.
by Martin October 8, 2003
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Usually a person called "James" who has no life , and likes to masturbate over all kind off pr0n.
HI my name is "James" i wank over pr0n , all kinds , even animal
by Martin April 10, 2004
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Having sex. It's a word that is widely acceptable in British society - not as rude as shag and *far* less rude than the offensive fuck.
The London Times recently wrote that President Bill Clinton "may forever be known as Bonking Bill."
by Martin November 13, 2003
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One who opposes the chav culture and/or their ideals; often feel strongly about such matters.
Chav: "Ya mum! Bling bling"
Anti-chav : "What a dick."
by Martin February 9, 2005
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a twat who's only perpose on the earth was to anoy teenagers at school
by Martin February 8, 2005
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A big dinosaur that was scary and toothful.
I saw a dinosaurus rex and I nearly crapped myself
by Martin June 12, 2004
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