174 definitions by Mark H

1. An extra life(or extra man) that you need in order to progress through a video game. In fact, you'll need enough of these to make considerable progress. Especially if you suck at the game. 1-ups are usually risky and difficult to obtain as items.
2. Also can be another term for sexual intercourse. Shortened form of "1 dick up (one's) pussy or ass."
Damn, Mark sure has a such a quick reaction time and alot of luck to beat Mario Bros on his first time playing it. He beat the whole game singlehandedly without relying on any 1-ups he earned! Mario surely must be happily spending all those 1-ups on Princess Toadstool in bed at this time!


Damn, Mark really sucks at Mario Bros! He can't even get past the first level no matter how many attempts and always uses up his 1-ups! Mario must surely be getting all his 1-ups back indabutt from Bowser in his dungeon at this time!

Mark H. Proud UD author since February 2004.
by Mark H July 6, 2005
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A vegetarian; someone who does not eat meat.
1. I used to have a girlfriend who was an utter and complete veegee.

2. Hey check out all those idiot veegees from PETA marching down thinking any smart person in the world will convert to their cultist mentality.
by Mark H July 18, 2004
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1. Damaged or eroded away by significant exposure to the weather.
2. Very ugly, beat, busted, broke down, tore up, or wrecked.
1. After many years of proud ownership, arch-pimp Nick D decided to sell away his deteriorating, weather beaten Mazda RX7 and conquer the roads and the opposite sex in his brand spankin-new whip, the Mazda RX8.

2. When Trevor's wife Judith(once a rather attractive outdoorswoman who enjoyed hunting, hiking, camping, rock climbing, and sometimes fishing) came back home after eight months of being lost in the Canadian wilderness, having to brave extreme cold climate conditions as well as hunt, fish, and forage for food and survive all sorts of dangerous shit on her own, she came back home so weather beaten, that people who have seen her have reported to have seen an actual Sasquatch around town.

Mark H. Since February 2004.
by Mark H January 28, 2005
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A termendous pile of greasy food that is all served on one plate. Quite likely to be seen at buffet restaurants.
*Nick D and one of his friends from the ghetto are out dining at the Golden Corral*

Nick D: *accidently spits out his drink while alarmed by the sight of a morbidly obese man serving himself pounds of fatty meat on a single plate* Holy shit, yo check out that niggapotamus over there serving himself a whole heart attack on a plate!
Nick's homie: I see that. Daaayum, that be one fool who needa check himself before he wrecks himself with that metric shitload of grease.
Nick D: Yeah I bet that sucka's soon gonna need an ox cart to carry his Jabba the Hutt ass around.
by Mark H September 24, 2004
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What occurs at a drinking party when everyone drinks so fucking much that they all pass out and fall on the floor and/or on top of each other.
Last night's Roman orgy of a slumber party ended when everybody(guy and girl, clothed and naked) passed out on top of each other in a mass alcoholocaust.

Then the next morning when I woke up and while everybody was getting dressed and leaving, I found out that my face got all bloody when one of the cheese hog bitches fell on top of my face, breaking my nose!
by Mark H September 5, 2004
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Pretty much has the same meaning as cock block or baller block, except that it refers to a female who is being prevented from scoring sexually with a man or another woman(if she is a lesbian or bisexual).
(at the bar)

Danny: (drunkenly talking to a girl who approached him with bedroom eyes and the intention of getting laid) "Hey baby, you do realize you are a total amazon, right? Mmmm, those lips, legs, breasts, and ass of yours! I really wanna nap with you tonight!"
Gertude: *giggles* "Sure hun, I'm sure you really need it! And for starters, my name is Gertrude!"
Danny: "While I don't think that that is the loveliest name I've ever heard, your manner and appearance really make up for it! Giggidy giggidy!"
Gertrude: "Yeah really, little man! How would ya like some of my lipstick on your dipstick, hmm?"
Danny: "Awwwwriiiight!"
*Suddenly Danny's friend Garrett runs out of nowhere and bodyslams Gertrude into a table*
Gertrude: "Hey why you little...!!?" *is knocked out temporarily for a few minutes*
Garrett: "Shut up, cheese hog and stay the fuck away from my homie here!"
Danny: "You asshole!! I was having a good time with my new bitch Gertrude and all of a sudden you break in to pussy block her for no reason!"
Garrett: "Dude. If you weren't so spaced out, you'd have an idea how fat and weather beaten that girl is. You obviously thought her name was the only ugly thing about her thanks to your beer goggles."
Danny: *hic* "Huh?? Well man you do know, that I'm also attracted to fat women right?"
Garrett: "But, but, you, um..."
Danny: "Whatever! She's MINE now so accept it, like it or not! *goes over to Gertrude, who was now getting up* Okay baby, let's go to my apartment and hit the sack! I'm really jonesin for some more cushion for the pushin!"
Gertrude: Yay! Let's go sweetie and let's get horizontal with each other!

*Still inebriated, Danny walks out the bar with his fat sow and returns to his appartment with her for a night of love making that would eventually blossom into a "beautiful" relationship, regardless of Gertrude's appearance after Danny sobering up."

Mark H. Urban slang contributer since February 2004.
by Mark H April 3, 2005
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