23 definitions by Malcolm Turntable

The average height for a human being.
Gaylorn was 1m 85cm tall. He is definately a dwarfed giant.
by Malcolm Turntable June 19, 2009
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A blaspheous word used in conjunction with a loud screech when scared.
"Holy barnicles, it's alive!"
by Malcolm Turntable June 19, 2009
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An extremely happy person amidst a room of depressed people who tries to cheer everyone up.
"dude i'm depressed.." :(

"Come bake cookies with me then happy child!" :)

"ahh man, you're such a grunge sponge"
by Malcolm Turntable June 19, 2009
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The offspring of a whale and an elephant, usually born with birth defects.
The RSPCA were sent out to rescue a beached whelephant on the River Thames.
by Malcolm Turntable June 19, 2009
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The sudden occurance of nervousness located inside your feet during interviews (i.e throbbing) and as a result, you run away to a nearby non-jewish foot masseure.
Jeremius was scared about his weatherman interview, and as a result he jewfooted it to a nearby foot masseure operated by an irishman named Ted.
by Malcolm Turntable June 18, 2009
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The speed and precision used by a chef to produce a pie in light speed.
Mary appeared on Come Dine With Me but she took ages to make her starter dish. This meant she'd have to make some serious Jedi pie to be in with a chance of winning.
by Malcolm Turntable June 19, 2009
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The slang name/identity used to describe most undercover explosive experts.
"hello Bin Laden, i'm your secretary terrorist" Said the undercover FBI agent.
by Malcolm Turntable June 19, 2009
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