11 definitions by Luigifan12

Luigi Mario is the youngest of the 2. He spouts amazing amounts of attacks. He can run faster and jump higher then Mario. But due to his proness to fear and being quite shy, he isn't really great on adventuring. Many people think that it means Luigi is jealous of Mario, but that's not true. Luigi enjoys taking small jobs like cleaning the house and ACTUAL plumbing jobs.
"Hey Luigi, Can you handle the plumbing jobs that come from when I leave? I'm gonna sign autographs."
by Luigifan12 July 2, 2004
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1.noun-the Leader of the powerpuff Girls. Slightly arragant, slightly bossy, slighty nice, slightly mean. And a whole bunch of other slightly's.

2. A flower
1. "Blossom, move out of the way, the giant monster's destroying Townsville

2. "I picked these Blossom's just for you!"
by Luigifan12 July 15, 2004
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Greedy and rich cousin of Mario. made many apearances, and even has own Gamecube game. Not Mario's evil twin, cause Mario was a bully to Wario as kids
"Wario is my evil twin.(lie)"
by Luigifan12 July 2, 2004
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