53 definitions by Luigi

Person who raises roosters for fun, profit and possibly illegal fighting and betting.
What did you think it meant?
by Luigi August 10, 2004
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Origins: University of Michigan dorms

A game where the participants swing from the toilet stall doors and attempt to place a turd into the bowl while swinging back and forth. 2 points for a turd landing in the toilet. Negative (-2) points for turds landing on the floor.
The students had a great game of Mad Bomber going in the dorm lavatory, but when they awoke from a drunken stupor on Monday (with varying degrees of hangover) they were appalled at the stench. So they opted to use the women's lavatory until the women got annoyed and drove them out by swinging their hairdryers as a sort of bolo weapon at the invading males. It wasn't pretty.
by Luigi January 14, 2005
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(origin unknown) useless invention or object; bad idea
Gordon put five co-processors into his PC in an attempt to make the world's fastest gaming PC, but the result was soup on a stick.
by Luigi July 11, 2004
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