16 definitions by Lucca Brassi

When you kill somebody for street credibility.

Originates from soldiers who wud take the identification tags off of enemies they killed during wartime in order to show them off or keep them as souveniers.
I could pop these songs, just like I pop tags..."
Juelz Santana
by Lucca Brassi March 26, 2009
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A Half-Ounce of drugs
by Lucca Brassi March 26, 2009
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A QP, or Quarter-Pound, usually weed.
"How much for a cuttie?"
by Lucca Brassi March 26, 2009
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An 80's term for a blunt, cigar, or cigarette that has been dipped in liquid pcp, heron, or acid.
Now refered to as a Shermstick
by Lucca Brassi March 26, 2009
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Chicago; Pretty-boy, Bitch, Unsuspecting person, Someone who flaunts.
"I gonna take that Floyd's car."

"Don't he know them bithches are tricks? Floyd-ass fucker."
by Lucca Brassi March 27, 2009
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When Drug business is slow, to "hunt" for sales (this can be dangerous) or look for people who owe you money.

"I'm out Lickin'."

"Lickin' on 20's in the lolo, 4 do (door), black on black......"
Rick Jiller
by Lucca Brassi March 26, 2009
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Scale for weighing drugs
"I don't think this is an O. You got a clock?"
by Lucca Brassi March 26, 2009
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