6 definitions by Lt. Handjob

Leat. An artificial water channel leading to or from a mill.
When I was younger, I enjoyed peeing in L33T
by Lt. Handjob September 10, 2005
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ASL: A slice of Lemon. As preffered by some internet users in a nice refreshing gin and tonic.
Don't forget ASL in my ice tea!
by Lt. Handjob September 10, 2005
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a handy mnemonic for remembering the ingredients of a greek salad
OMFG: Olives, Mayo, Feta, Garlic.
by Lt. Handjob September 10, 2005
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Before the Battle of Hu Lao Gate, Many Ninjas prayed to STFU for victory
by Lt. Handjob September 10, 2005
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Loll: To hang loose or lounge around Idly
He was lazy so he just LOL all day
by Lt. Handjob September 10, 2005
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Big Red Ball. preferably rubber or plastic, if you insist.
After spending a sensible amount of time in front of the computer, many users enjoy the simple satisfaction of playing catch with a BRB.
by Lt. Handjob September 10, 2005
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