27 definitions by Loxi

An ingenious marketing ploy whereby the creators of the dictionary get written definitions from various authors via the web (which then becomes the intellectual property of the creators) who then bind them into a book entitled "Urban Dictionary" and hawk it to various publishing houses until one of them agrees to publish it and make them rich - while the various authors who contributed to the book remain poor.
The creators of the Urban Dictionary are geniuses!
by Loxi July 19, 2009
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A state of complete physical and emotional abandonment caused by the husband's preference to hunt animals in the wild for days on end instead of spending quality time with his wife at home.
Wife 1: So, your hubby's away on yet another hunting trip, is he?

Wife 2: (Angrily) Don't remind me. I swear, if I wasn't already a hunting widow, I would kill him myself!
by Loxi July 18, 2009
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Refers to females who wear the pants in the family, i.e. Kate from Jon & Kate Plus 8.
I don't know how he puts up with her crap. She's such a dom mom.
by Loxi July 16, 2009
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Refers to a male with unfulfilled dreams of sports stardom who then pressures his children into playing sports in the hope they achieve the stardom he failed to achieve.

The sports jockey is the male equivalent of the stage mom.
Wife 1: (Sighing) My husband enrolled (insert child's name here) in softball, gymnastics, tennis, and track this year at school.

Wife 2: You poor thing. You married a sports jockey too?
by Loxi July 17, 2009
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Insightful information (or thoughtful little life lessons) that a person attempts to convey to another person about a particular subject.
Look up the term "Loxi" for examples of pearls of wisdom.
by Loxi July 21, 2009
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An elderly person who should not be allowed to purchase an electronic device without first consulting with a ten-year-old regarding its proper use and maintenance.
I watched in horror as my baby boomer boss pounded on the keyboard in an attempt to "figure out the e-mail."
by Loxi July 21, 2009
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Phrase used by Catholic priests or nuns to guilt parochial students into eating vegetables that are good for them or donating money to yet another Catholic charity.
Example 1:

Sr. Mary: Eat your brussels sprouts, Susie.

Susie: But, I don't like them, sister. They're yucky!

Sr. Mary: I can't believe you are wasting food. Why, there are starving kids in Africa who would give anything to have those brussel sprouts. So, you eat them, you hear? They're part of God's bountiful harvest.

Susie: (Looking guilty) Yes, sister.

Example 2:

Sr. Mary: (To class) As part of our Lenten service project, I am asking that each of you donate your lunch money today to the Feed the Children organization. In return, you will receive one cracker and a bowl of watered-down chicken broth for lunch - just like the starving kids in Africa eat every day.

Susie: (Looking longingly at her lunch money) Yes, sister.
by Loxi July 19, 2009
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