1 definition by Lovecard Funeral

Cutting is when you take a sharp object (razor blade, saftey pin, knife, push pin, etc.) and cut a part of your body with it. It doesn't have to me on your arms/wrists and you don't have to be emo. It's often a result of depression. It does make you feel a whole lot better(I know from experience) and "preps", "Goths', "Jocks", and all these other little clicks are capible of doing it,
it's not just the emos. It's really addictive. It's hard to stop and hard to control.
You can't make somebody stop cutting if they don't want to. It's not that easy to just say "stop cutting" and tomorrow it'll be all better,
it some times takes years to completely stop cutting.
by Lovecard Funeral August 6, 2007
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