10 definitions by Lolita & Herb

To be in a foul or otherwise crappy mood.
Somebody must have shat in your Cheerios, boo. You're all jacrank today.
by Lolita & Herb November 3, 2006
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Long Beach Crew - as referred to by the undefeated west coast band, Sublime.
Well qualified to represent the lbc... me... me and Louie.
by Lolita & Herb November 3, 2006
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A general exclamation denoting surprise, arousal, discontent, or boredom. It's a buffer word. Earliest film reference is Deliverance, starring uber-fit Burt Reynolds.
Damn, you can play that solo. Shitfire!

That guy just cut me off! SHITFIRE!

Shitfire, I'm bored.

Shitfire, you're sexy.
by Lolita & Herb November 9, 2006
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