62 definitions by Loki

An alias of Loki. Used usually with demons or cushman morons.
Ubeldaemon: ... are you Loki?
Loki: Of course not! It's me, Sambuka!
Ubeldaemon: Oh! Sambuka! I'd recognise you anywhere!
Loki: *grin*
by Loki January 14, 2004
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A married person sleeping with somebody other then their SO, whether or not the other partner knows about it.
Sleeping with a married couple is adultery on the part of all three people.
by Loki April 11, 2002
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A hippie wannabe who is probably blonde and thinks stuff like diversity and PETA are good, yet believes that those who believe in God are stupid.
Hippies were not atheist, therefore PeachyKeen is not a hippie.

The Real World - check it out~
by Loki June 28, 2003
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The ultimate supreme master.
Your lord and master.

Thesaurus: God, Deity.
"I bow down to the Lord Artimus."
"Save me from the wrath of Artimus."
by Loki May 27, 2003
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Variant of Oh My God.
Used primarily by atheists and those who wish to be cool.
Can be condensed to OMZ.

NB: For the uninitiated, it's Zod as in General Zod from Superman.
Oh My Zod! Eve has no nipples!
by Loki March 26, 2005
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Actually, a really good series of books by J.K. Rowling.
Although Lord of the Rings is entirely original, and very good, it's no good for young kids because of the slower-moving plot.
Harry Potter is better for younger people.

The five books out now are:
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

There are two more books left to come.
My cousin is obsessed with Harry Potter, she actually makes out with his picture >gag<
by Loki July 25, 2003
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Variant of OMG, Oh My God.
OMZ is a condensation of Oh My Zod.
OMZ! The pandas are attacking!
by Loki March 26, 2005
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