22 definitions by Leigh

can also be a term of affection for a loved one
"i love you, beetlejuice"
by Leigh February 20, 2003
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When a laydee is felating a lucky gent: just as he thunders past the vinegar strokes and he cums into her mouth, the puffing out of her cheeks at the point of no return is reminiscent of her playing the 'spunk trumpet'
Ee - that ethel everreddy - she's a one for that spunk trumpet
by Leigh August 1, 2003
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fogged, another word for 'highly medicated', in the sense of OTC medication and illegal drug induced
I saw Sue today, she was all fogged up!
by Leigh January 18, 2005
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what you say when you punch someone ODB style
::punch someone in the face while they aren't looking:: "Blaow"
by Leigh February 20, 2003
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somthing that smells really badd!
nastyy...that woofs!!
by Leigh January 18, 2005
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a word created by coheed and cambria for the amusement of people like me.
hehe shabootie
by Leigh June 18, 2004
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