11 definitions by Lazareth Link

The act of putting all availble force into one attack.
1) To fire the whole arsenal at one target
2) To Launch all fighter planes against one military target.
3) To drop all availble bombs.
4) To deplete all potential firepower at once.
5) To fire a broadside.
by Lazareth Link March 6, 2005
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Can mean
1: Not going to happen
2: Not allowed to try
3: Not being given the go-ahead
4: Not allowed to use your throw in Backgammon (and possibly other games)

Example of antonym: "green light"
1a: Sure we shouldn't bring this to trial?
1b: No dice

2a: May I try to beat your highscore?
2b: No dice

3a: Permission to follow?
3b: No dice

4: No dice, it landed on the tip.
by Lazareth Link February 11, 2005
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A freeloader is someone who exploits chances to get free stuff whenever possible.
1) Lil' Kid John never did learn any manners. He especially had a hard time figuring why he shouldn't hog all the candy from the free candy bowl at the shop.

2) Jack had all the connections he needed and knew where all the parties were. Thus every night he didn't have to pay for the alcohol nor the dinner. Nobody liked Jack.
by Lazareth Link March 2, 2005
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A addiction of choice refers to something that is not physically addicting. Normally it is meant as a joke, asking what your favourite drink is.
1) Cigerettes is not a addiction of choice, since your body gets addicted to it.

2) Cola can be somebody's addiction of choice.

3) Dr. Pepper is MY addiction of choice. ;)
by Lazareth Link May 3, 2005
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A typographical error that have evovled into a cute/funny way of writing evil.
1: "b" is located just beside "v" on a qwerty keyboard.

2: 2000 round per minute AND explosive rounds? Man, that is just ebil.

3: She hid the paper he intended to cheat at the exam with? Ebil.
by Lazareth Link February 11, 2005
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Slang for a pumpgun or sniper rifle.
(Sniper rifle): Alpha took careful aim at Beta, making sure to line up his killrod perfectly.

(Pumpgun): Alpha went in guns ablazing, constantly pumping his killrod.
by Lazareth Link February 11, 2005
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A word for a sentient non-organic humanoid not intended for warfare or any specific service and with no programmed restrictions.
A robot with a structure resembling that of a human. Two arms and two legs.
by Lazareth Link February 11, 2005
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