17 definitions by Last Chancer

(British) The sexy underwear that you wear when you are out on the pull.
Anna: You coming union tonight?
Lisa: Yeah! I got my pulling pants on!
by Last Chancer November 22, 2006
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London slang originating in Fulham. A derogatory term for a certain type of unpleasent person from Australia, New Zealand or South Africa who now lives in the UK. The word is most often applied to women but can be used to describe men or even places.

Kirbies are fond of alcohol/ drugs and all the associated behaviour. Common traits are slight stupidity, vanity, aggressively sexual behaviour, an irritating put on laught and/ or voice. The women are usually blonde (or died blonde) and the men are often large rugby playing types (or wannabees)

This word could be concidered quite offensive as it shows a complete ignorance of three very different countries.
Alex: Oh my gosh you see those girls?!
Lauren: Proper Kirbys!

Tom: I'm not really feeling Zulus tonight
Gary: I know, it's too much of a Kirby bar.
by Last Chancer October 21, 2006
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London slang. A derogatory term for a certain type of person from Australia, New Zealand or South Africa who now lives in the UK. More often used to describe women but can be applied to men. Can also be used to describe the places frequented by Kirbys.

Kirbies are very fond of alcohol and/or drugs and all the associated behavior. The women are usually blond (or died blond), horribly slutty and have an unpleasant bitchy attitude. The men are usually large rugby playing types (or wanabees) often with blonde hair, very predatory towards women and sometimes quite aggressive.

This word originates form a short lived UK TV show called The Last Chancers which featured a character called Kirby who was as described above.

Note on usage: This word could be considered very offensive as it shows a complete ignorance of the difference between three very different counties.
Alex: I'm not really liking this bar much.
Lauren: I know it's proper kirby.
by Last Chancer October 18, 2006
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