14 definitions by Lafferty Daniel

Under Armour sports apparel that is inappropriately worn during public, non-sporting events (eg: bars, parties, classroom, restaurants, etc) in an attempt to pass it off as fashionable.
Chris: "Look at that douche bag wearing Social Under Armour."

Pete: "No wonder he is alone."
by Lafferty Daniel August 7, 2008
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PGI is an acronym for Positive Girl Interaction. The higher the amount of PGI a guy has, the happier and more hopeful he becomes.

Maximizing your PGI is the ultimate goal for a guy when he is out on the town. Ones Positive Girl Interaction can be increased by talking to girls, dancing with girls, or taking a girl to poundtown, etc...
"My PGI skyrocketed once I got a hank senior from Julie last night"
by Lafferty Daniel April 18, 2010
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Pieces of food caught between teeth or in braces.

a compound word combining "debris" and "Doritos"
Chris: "You've got mad Debritos, man"

Trent: "I know dude, I pounded that whole BigGrab of Doritos with nothing to wash it down."
by Lafferty Daniel August 7, 2008
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"I got a hank junior 2 weeks ago and my dick still hurts"
by Lafferty Daniel April 18, 2010
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"After Julie gave me a hank senior, I recreated a map of Hawaii on her face"
by Lafferty Daniel April 18, 2010
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"Phil refunded his entire lunch in his lap"
by Lafferty Daniel December 11, 2007
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When someone befriends the handicapped solely based on the fact that they have a disability. The Duffy Effect involves a person who does not take into consideration that their new handicapped friend may actually be undeserving of friendship.
Katie: "I've always been nice to Ryan, but now he asked me to prom!"

Drew: "The handicapped kid? This is a textbook example of The Duffy Effect! That kid is an asshole anyway."
by Lafferty Daniel August 7, 2008
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