38 definitions by LEC2

FOB - is a degrading term for people not up to date on the culture which is an abbreviation for (Fresh Of the Boat.)
meaning you still carry your sense of fashion from your country which clashes with the current countries cultures.

Origin: Hawaii 60's

Local Hawaiians used it to refer to white people who came from mainland US to Hawaii. Its was used a lot by locals and surfers. it was to refer to white people who wasn't up to date on the culture.

It is now used a lot by Asians to refer to immigrant Asians of the same sense.
"Man! whats up with your shoes? thats fob!"

"Dood! check out the howlie with the yellow hat. what a fob."
by LEC2 February 9, 2003
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A Police officer. especially the ones that rides on bikes.

Orgin: California late 80's

police officers that patrols certain beaches on bikes wore a vest that said PO in huge blockletters on each of their chest. which means Police Officer. they usually ride around in group of two's.

when you see them coming by. you see the word "PO" "PO" when they stand next to each other.
Man.. here comes the PoPo to tell us what to do again.
by LEC2 February 9, 2003
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Hawaiian Slang for a hand gesture.

Orgin: 60's Hawaii

its a hand gesture and its called shaka. and it means your cool!
make a fist and stick your pinky out and your thumb, twist your wrist back and forth. a hand gesture to tell another person he or she is cool for doing something.
by LEC2 May 7, 2003
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