10 definitions by Kye

Me: You're a sexay lebbian.
sexc_mole: Awww thank you, you're also a cute lebbian.
Me: Let's watch some lebbian shows.
sexc_mole: I love lebbians!
Me: Yeah, we all love those sexy dykes.
sexc_mole: laughs yes, yes we do.

A guy: Look at those lebbians! They're hot!
His friend: OMG.
A guy: I want those lebbians.
His friends: But they're lebbians dude.
by Kye April 4, 2005
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The Greek word for "AND".
Stacy kai I are really bored right now.
by Kye October 18, 2004
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A Tigy is a little cat, who is cute, loveable and gay as in happy.
I saw a Tigy the other day, he was so cute and gay!!! OMG!
by Kye April 4, 2005
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