1028 definitions by Kung-Fu Jesus

(v.) To kick a man when he's down is to attack at the persons weakest moment. It defies the gentlemanly code of ethics, and does detract from reputation. Used literally or figuratively, it still has pretty much the same meaning.
I never kick a man when he'd down; stamping on his head is easier!
by Kung-Fu Jesus May 4, 2004
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(n.) An edible seed

(n.) Carazed, fanatical about (suffix)

(v.) (mainly brit) To perform a quick head-butt

(n.) (Mainly Brit) Head

(v.) slang- press

(v.) seminal fluid

(n.) Testicle
A) Let's eat some nuts!

B) That guy is a gun-nut

C) I'm going to nut you if you don't tell me the answer

D) My nut is in pain

E) Nut that button on the wall for me.

F) Nut on your face

G) OW! My nuts!
by Kung-Fu Jesus May 12, 2004
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Where people expect financial investments to rapidly increase, like in the economic boom of the eighties. It is so called, because masses of first-time investors rush head-first into the markets with thier money, expecting to amass riches beyond belief.
Japan's 1980's bull market was so good that, in 1989, Japan was expected to overtake the United states as the world's richest economy. The reccession of the 90's prevented this.

Today, it is just recovering from a bear market
by Kung-Fu Jesus April 18, 2004
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The number 13 has long been assocciated with unfortunate incidents. This stems from roman empire rule, and christianity. Pirates considered Friday to be the most unlucky day of the week. At least once a year the two coincide. This is said to be the most unlucky day of the year, but only if you happen to live in Crystal Lake, where Jason Vorhees may murder you.
Friday the 13th? My arse.
by Kung-Fu Jesus April 16, 2004
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(n.) A calm, yet powerful force that is stupidly challenged by lesser forces who believe the calm nature of this power will succum to visciousness.
by Kung-Fu Jesus May 5, 2004
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Popular phrase on T-shirts around the time frankie goes to hollywood released song relax. This was in reaction to some people calling for the song to be banned.
by Kung-Fu Jesus May 1, 2004
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a combination of gay and homosexual.

Used by goths and other loners to denote someone who does not like thier gay music.
satanhumper69: oso u dont liek cradle of filth?

KFJ: You must've meant cradle of shit. No, I on't like cradle of shit.

satanhumper69: omgomg u GAY-MO-SEXUAL
by Kung-Fu Jesus July 28, 2004
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