30 definitions by King Shit

The often neccessary cleaning of the male rear; often performed with the aid of soap, shampoo, body wash, etc.
I need to do the pre-date butt wash in case Lucy decides to go down on me.
by King Shit January 17, 2003
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a word to show disagreement. a combination of you out. the word came about at a party while someone was being kicked out.
- that bag looks right
- yout
-hold up lemme put it on the skeezy
by King Shit December 8, 2005
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If you piss me off, you're dead meat, done, deep six.
by King Shit January 19, 2003
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short for gastril intestinal
I've got the GI blues.
by King Shit January 17, 2003
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an asshole that is producing little, meekly farts
You got a nervous sphincter there boy. C'mon, let 'er rip!
by King Shit January 19, 2003
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A fart that is not heard, but smells so horrid that it could kill; also: Silent but violent, SBD
Your farts aren't that bad when compared to Grandpappie's ol' silent but deadlies.
by King Shit January 17, 2003
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to hump another while wearing clothing, mimicking sexual intercourse
I dry humped her last night, so maybe I'll get the real thing tonight!
by King Shit January 19, 2003
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