67 definitions by Karen Stickney

a dedicated fan of a band or artist who owns everything the artist has put out, and talks about said artist for hours at a time and knows everything there is to know about the artist, and attends concerts by the artist when they can when the artist comes to their hometown or closer to it
I am a hardcore Eve 6 fan. I have all three of their albums, two t-shirts, and the soundtrack to Out Cold, which they appear on.
by Karen Stickney October 12, 2006
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A misunderstood, but popular rock band from Canada. They are hated on by so-called "rockers" who claim that they have gotten softer as their career has progressed, and because the rest of them don't have long hair like Chad does. Maybe, but they still have hard rock songs on their albums as well as those power ballads that have influenced such bands as Saving Abel. Just because Chad Kroeger has chosen not to scream all the time and be blunt in his songwriting instead of metaphorical like your rockers do is no reason to hate on them. They are not talentless fucks as you would like to believe. It's not their fault they are so popular. It's the fault of the fans. If it wasn't for us fans, dedicated and casual, they would be obscure.
Everyone seems to hate on Nickelback because Chad chose to start being a blunt lyricist from "Silver Side Up" onward instead of metaphorical like he was on "Curb" and "The State". They don't just talk about sex, drugs, and rock n roll like Buckcherry and the like do. Nickelback have had topical songs. Have Buckcherry et. al. done that? Maybe, but not very often. You say that the women who like Nickelback only like their ballads. WRONG! I like their rockers as well, and I'm a woman, and their biggest fan.
by Karen Stickney November 11, 2008
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someone who claims that the lesser knowns cause all the problems in the world
1)Mindy of "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy" is a snob. She thinks Mandy and her ilk are losers, when in reality, she's no better than them.

2): Mindy: "What losers you and Mandy are, Karen!"
Karen: "At least we're not snobs like you!"
Mindy: "I'm not a snob! I can't believe you said that to me, you abnormal freak!"
Karen: "Normal doesn't exist, retard! And I'm a punk, get it?!"
Mindy: "It's you punks who cause the problems in the world!"
Karen: "What about you snobs? We freaks know that if everyone was "normal" like you, the world would be boring".
Mindy: "And it would be peaceful, too."
by Karen Stickney October 21, 2007
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To make people foolishly believe something that is not true.
Casey has been brainwashing Sheri, Greg, John, Becky, Billy, and Michael into thinking I'm a bear when I'm not.
by Karen Stickney April 29, 2006
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Eric says I listen to weird music. Did he mean it as a compliment or as an insult?

Hey Mike, if Eric heard the Seven Mary Three song "Times Like These", he'd think you listen to weirder music than he said about me.
by Karen Stickney June 7, 2006
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to break a habit without any processes
Joe used to smoke, but he quit cold turkey and hasn't gone back to it since. He is living proof that going cold turkey can be successful, especially if you don't do your bad habit very often. He only smoked his cloves 3-4 times a week.
by Karen Stickney August 6, 2006
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