47 definitions by Jon64Bailey

Informal to make something at home; manufacture anything non-commercially (descended from the practice of rolling one's own paper-wrapped smoking instruments)
I don't buy store-bought spaghetti sauce: I roll my own from scratch.
by Jon64Bailey April 8, 2013
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verb, disparaging usage used with "through" or "by", to move or travel through an area or by a place where you or your kind are not particularly welcome as in a certain community
The policeman told me that he noticed a bunch of punks rolling through my neighborhood lately when I was making a vandalism report about my car that was egged.
by Jon64Bailey November 20, 2013
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diarrhea, especially when chronic or frequent: the 'shits', in other words
The rotten chili I ate at Don's Diner last night gave me the drizzling shits all morning long!!
by Jon64Bailey May 24, 2008
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Older American Slang a scoundrel, usually male; an unlikable or contemptible fellow
If that polecat comes on my farm to steal my cow I will have my trusty gun and loyal dog a-waitin' fer him!
by Jon64Bailey December 19, 2014
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1. interjection get out of here!, beat it!, split!, vamoose!, scat!, scram! 2. bootleg (illegal) liquor 3. put a computer into operation from a powered-off state (also 'boot up')
The boys yelled "Boot, sister!" at the girl when she entered their clubhouse. Elliot Ness's Untouchables confiscated 5,000 cases of Canadian boot during a raid. This new software requires the machine be booted over again so as to install properly.
by Jon64Bailey January 10, 2008
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crazy, nuts, insane, having flipped one's lid
You want to bungie jump off the Empire State Building: you are totally off your trolley !!!
by Jon64Bailey January 13, 2008
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she is so ugly you need 3 bags over her head, 1 over yours and 1 over your dog's!: five baggers are three times as ugly as "coyote ugly", about twice as ugly as "ugly as sin" and of course, 1 2/3 times uglier than even a three bagger
That chick I met at the biker bar was one five bagger from hell!!!!
by Jon64Bailey January 11, 2008
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