12 definitions by Johnny / -the Random Prophet

SOAPBOX JOHNNY : (Noun) One that stands and preaches on the proverbial soapbox. Figuratively speaking... of course. A Soapbox Johnny doesn't realize that he's on the soapbox until getting a headache or hearing the sound of his own voice drone on and on. A lot of times, someone else will have to kick it out from under a Soapbox Johnny; again, figuratively speaking. ( Authors note: The phrase, "Standing on a soapbox", originates from the days when speakers would elevate themselves by standing on a wooden crate, originally used for shipment of soap or other dry goods from a manufacturer to a retail store. Often used as a liberal platform for politicians or someone preaching politics.)
There is more to life than dwelling on a rotten world. Appreciate and enjoy Mother Earth and embrace what really matters... Don't be a Soapbox Johnny.
by Johnny / -the Random Prophet October 8, 2019
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Stifle-vote Democrats are Democrats who lie and manipulate voter polls. They say they have already won the election beforehand so voters seeking their opponent's victory will either give up and not vote at all, or cast their vote in their favor. Either way, they get your vote - Random Prophet #RandomProphet
A Stifle-vote Democrat will lie to you to get your vote.
by Johnny / -the Random Prophet November 7, 2018
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A) A follower of today's over-produced music garbage. One that does not understand what real music is, the inspiration behind it, and the meaning of it. B) Someone that lacks talent. A talentless person that will do anything for shameless self-promotion.
Biebercyrus: A musical moron. A talentless wannabe. A fan of musical garbage. . . if you wanna call it music
by Johnny / -the Random Prophet February 19, 2014
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One who talks the talk, but doesn't walk the walk. Dig?
Look at Mr. Carbon Footprint, over there..... nothing more than a California Pseudo-Bohemian Snowflake.

by Johnny / -the Random Prophet November 9, 2018
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(noun ) A weed moment is when you are stoned and in the middle of a thought or conversation. You forget your place or where you are in a story you might be telling, or you forget what you were talking about all together. A weed moment is much like a senior moment; only weed induced.
Example: ''I'm having a weed moment. What were we talking about again?
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A sacrifice hit is taking in and the holding of bong smoke to get another friend high via contact high. Said friend(s) cannot take a direct bong hit because employer could randomly drug test any employee at anytime ...or not.... or maybe said friend has paws or claws instead of hands. This is an unusually high concentrated hit and held in as to possibly cause severe coughing... and possible cottonmouth will result. Have a coca-cola

handy. This hit is taken for sole purpose of getting another person, (cat, dog, parrot, etc.), high, even when sufficiently high one's self. End result being that you may end up more than sufficiently high... You risk being high-wired.
She was worried about a random drug test that may or may not happen tomorrow at work so he gave her a sacrifice hit.
by Johnny / -the Random Prophet February 13, 2019
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UNRECOGNIZABLY HIGH: ... so high that your friends don't recognize you. You don't recognize yourself, and you are too stoned to recognize how high that you actually are. You are unrecognizable. You're unrecognizably high.

Antonym: CHEERS "Where everybody knows your name...and they're always glad you came. Ex: NORM ! ! ! (Norm Peterson).
Example: " I don't know him. He's so high, I don't recognize him. He is unrecognizably high. He probably wouldn't recognize his own self in a mirror.
by Johnny / -the Random Prophet December 17, 2018