15 definitions by John Boy

The sign given to a friend in hiding while in doggie style behind
some chick. It is performed by placing both hands over the head, with
palms facing out and waving wildly. Can be supplemented by shouting "Hey Rocky" (see also BULLWINKLE)
Steve was hiding in my closet, and while I had her doggy-style I gave him a quick moose.
by John Boy December 23, 2003
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The skill of pulling your johnson all the way out of your partner's hole, and in one motion jamming it home again. Best used in the CORN HOLE technique, but can be very dangerous.
Right when she was about to cum, I busted out a High Dive and that's where I got this scratch marks from.
by John Boy December 23, 2003
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A phone call by a friend to another friend at a predetermined time. Mostly used in bad situations, first dates, or when someone goes somewhere they simply don't want to be.

Most times, a lifeline is used to show that one friend is in distress, when he's actually chillin at home with two beers, one in hand, and one waiting for the other friend. The distress call is what gives the friend his opporunity to leave, and also gives the impression to whoever is litening to the phone call that it's serious.

The lifeline remains the most efficient, yet most underused method of ditching bad dates. Sometimes hard to coordinate, lifelines prove their worth in effectiveness when your friend's girlfriend doesn't get pissed (and consequently, stop putting out) at your friend when you ditched her best friend on a date.
"Dude, Steve, I got a date with Jessica tonight at 7, give me a lifeline around 7:45, and then I'll meet you at your pad."
by John Boy January 6, 2004
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Jesus Walkers are the flip-flop sandals that metrosexuals wear with their faded jeans and frosted hair
"Oh shit, it would appear Josh is wearing those God damn, mutha fucking Jesus walkers again. Let's jump his ass!
by John Boy December 23, 2004
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A phrase used in response to someone suggesting that you do something.
Dave: "Should I down this bottle of vodka, hold the last swallow in my mouth, smoke a cigarette through my nose, then jump in the pool and swim across underwater?"
John: "Bust it."


Andy: "I know I've had a lot to drink, but that chick with the enormous fupa looks pretty hot, I think I'd enjoy licking her undercarriage."

John: "Bust it."


John, holding up a full glass of beer: "Bust it?"

Kelly: "BUST IT."
by John Boy December 18, 2003
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Area located below the stomach, but above the private area. Only called "Fupa" when it is overly fat. Fupa is an anagram for "Fat Upper Pussy Area" or "Fat Upper Penis Area"
"Dude, that chick has a huge fupa!"
by John Boy December 17, 2003
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Sex that is owed a partner after a break-up. This is still considered break-up sex, but delivery of said sex is taken at a later date. The statute of limitations on a Severance Fuck is still undetermined.
Sarah? Fuck what she says, she still owes me a Severance Fuck.
by John Boy December 23, 2003
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