31 definitions by John Barry

1.Parents brother who, having paedophaelic (and sometimes homosexual) tendancies, often crept into your room late at night while drunk to 'play' with you under the covers. Can be characterised by using phrases such as "This can be our little secret," or "don't tell Mummy and Daddy." 2.Paedophile or rock spider. 3.Sexually devious or sick induvidual.
1.I have a sneaky uncle. 2.There was a sneaky uncle creeping around our schoolyard.
by John Barry January 8, 2005
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1. Build up of partacles of dubious origin that make their domicile in the nasal cavity of most mammals. Can range in texture from crusty hardened solid lumps to a sloppy, viscous gel-like substance usually found dripping from the noses of the sick and feeble, the homeless, or human babies. Unknown exactly what the purpose of this mystery shape-changing element is, athough it has been documented that it can be used as an emergency food source when bored or hungry. Also used sometimes by teenagers as a material for sabotage or deviousness by wiping the matter liberally on another's personal property. See also wober, booger, snot.
1. 'Man I'm hungry, nothing to eat...Ah, I've got some nose jam, that'll do.'
by John Barry July 5, 2006
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1. A biscuit or sweet, baked pastry product that rests on the chest area in between periods of eating said delicacy.
1. 'Can I have a bite of your chescuit?'
by John Barry July 5, 2006
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1.Total nonsense talk, unintelligible or foreign language. 2.Communication using various noises, illegitimate words, nonsense or sounds. 3. Sentence, phrase or general communication not making sense, sometimes induced by several days of smoking crack or other substance.
1.Crack-heads all speak gibberish. 2.John Howard talks gibberish. 3.Drug loving hippies bopping down in a stone bearded trippywobble.
by John Barry November 21, 2004
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1.Slut, skank, moll. Female who too frequently engages in acts of sex with people of a low calibre. 2.Woman of ill-repute. 3.Insult generally directed at females of species. 4.Prostitute. 5.Female with veneral disease. See slurry.
by John Barry November 21, 2004
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1.Female of human species with a rather attractive body but an ugly or hideous face. Comes from phrase "Everything's good but-her-face". See also bag job. 2.Person with oily, pimply skin on face.
1.That chick over there is a butterface. 2.Look at all those pimples, what a butterface.
by John Barry November 21, 2004
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1.The word smell, as mispronounced by a nephew named Zehn, substituting the distinct 's' at the start of the word with a rush of air from the nasal cavity resulting in the amusing 'fmell' word. 2.Amusing replacement of the word smell, to be used liberally in everyday conversation.
1.You fmell, you fmell bad! 2.That fmellf.
by John Barry September 27, 2005
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