12 definitions by Jizzy Jan

What you say when someone's asks something to you to which the answer is yes.
Guy 1:"Hey I heard you do a good British accent. Is that true?"

Me in a British accent: "Damn skippy hippie."
by Jizzy Jan February 7, 2010
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Shit that you do not, I repeat, DO NOT WANT TO FUCKING TOUCH!!!
I touched fire one time in hopes of juggling it. Didn't work out well.
by Jizzy Jan February 5, 2010
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One of the best reasons not to kill yourself.
It is an intangible element required for suitable life.
Music is love
Music is an expression of feeling through sound
Music is something that the entire world can agree on, that it is fucking awesome
Music is something that requires incredible skill, yet anyone in the world can make it.
Music is the shit
Music is on of the only things that will hold you and make you feel better
Music understands everyone
Music IS everyone
Music understands everything
Music IS everything
Music. It's some sick shit, yo
by Jizzy Jan February 15, 2010
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The scariest month of the year for people who are gullible and insecure. Particularly because of the "April Fools" holiday jokes, where there are no holds barred.
During April fools, my friends convinced me that my girlfriend broke up with me. Gullible and insecure me fell for the joke. Eventually, they told me they were just kidding. Later that day, my girlfriend broke up with me.
by Jizzy Jan April 3, 2010
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1.) Bullshit

2.) A fat person's worst enemy
1.) Me:*Jumps off of the empire state building in hopes of flying*..........*quickly falls toward the ground while screaming"SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, SHIIIIIITTT!!!!!!! GOD DAMN YOU GRAVITY!"*

2.)Rosie O'Donnel(or however the fuck you spell her name i don't care):"Blergh, I tried to get out of bed this morning but my arch nemesis, Gravity, refused to show me mercy"
by Jizzy Jan December 26, 2009
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Not the brightest person: Who did you vote for in the 2008 presidential election?
Me: Sure as hell not McCain
Not the brightest person: So you voted for Obama?
Me: Put the puzzle together dipshit
by Jizzy Jan April 10, 2010
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Something you say when you bite your lip.

Could be changed to "Ouch I bit the inside of my cheek!"
Since they both hurt, and the likelihood of it happening again grows after every time you do it again.

And that shit hurts. A LOT.
Me: Ouch I bit my lip! :(
by Jizzy Jan February 7, 2010
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