10 definitions by Jimmy Jazz

A vent in the ground, located beside Behind-the-Grind in Whistler, BC, Canada. When you get grunk and pee on it it blows your piss all over you.
"Dude, I went to the piss vent and now I'm covered in piss!"
by Jimmy Jazz February 11, 2005
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A crap......er sorry........RAP "artist" who made it big off of shitty rhymes and a beat stolen from Queen and David Bowie's hit "Under Pressure"
*bassline from under pressure*

V.I. on radio: Stop collaberate and listen....

by Jimmy Jazz February 3, 2005
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The greatest band ever. Originally consisted of Joe Strummer, Mick Jones, Paul Simonon, Terry Chimes, and (not known to most) Keith Lavene on 3rd guitar. Keith was kicked out after a couple of shows due to his drug addiction. The song "Deny" is about him. He later teamed up with Johnny Rotten (of Sex Pistols fame) to start Public Image Ltd. After a few gigs and the release of their first album, Terry quit the band because he felt like an outsider. Rob Harper played drums on the Anarchy in the UK tour. Nick Headon became their drummer just before they recorded Give 'Em Enough Rope. Fast forward to the time after Combat Rock. Mick was kicked out because of creative differences and the re-welcoming of Bernie, their old manager. At this point, they were divided into 2 factions: Mick and Nick, and Joe and Paul. Nick quit because they kicked out Mick. Paul and Joe went through a few rehearsals before deciding on Vince White on guitar, Pete Howard on drums, and Nick Sheppard on guitar. Joe decided to only sing but said he felt empty being on stage without a guitar so he started playing again and they were like the original Clash again with 3 guitarists. They released Cut the Crap, a last attempt at reinventing themselves and decided to call it quites. Paul formed Havanah 3am. Joe went on to do a solo career then formed the Mescaleros. After Mick left the Clash, he formed Big Audio Dynamite. No one knows what happened to Nick after he left the Clash.
The Clash are a huge influential punk band.
by Jimmy Jazz May 31, 2004
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