103 definitions by Jd

a video game for super nintendo which is simply impossible to beat. The makers of the game were pissed at the world and took it out on 8 year old kids who have alot of freee time on their hands.
damn desert strike is impossible
by Jd December 9, 2003
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getting a meaty boner due to sexual stimulation
damn! Kristina gets me all beefy


haha! Arthurs got a beefy!
by Jd March 27, 2008
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When the coach said they would have to do 100 push-ups they all replied, "are you for-serious
by Jd April 11, 2005
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A female with vast sexual experience and appetite.
"Yo man, I wouldn't go near that stached scrag!"
by Jd March 26, 2004
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This is the greatest and best song in the world... Tribute
Greated Band in the WORLD!!!!
Jack Black = God!!!
whe his forces are joined with Kyle Gass the effects are amazing!
they are sex
"Needless to say, the beast was stunned.
Whip-crack went his Whoopy tail,
And the beast was done.
He asked us: "(snort) Be you angels?"
And we said, "Nay. We are but men."
Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh-ah-ah,
Ohhh, whoah, ah-whoah-oh!

This is not The Greatest Song in the World, no.
This is just a tribute.
Couldn't remember The Greatest Song in the World, no, no.
This is a tribute, oh, to The Greatest Song in the World,
All right! It was The Greatest Song in the World,
All right! It was the best muthafuckin' song the greatest song in the world.
2-part skat
And the peculiar thing is this my friends:
the song we sang on that fateful night it didn't actually sound
anything like this song.
This is just a tribute! You gotta believe me!
And I wish you were there! Just a matter of opinion.
Ah, fuck! Good God, God lovin',
So surprised to find you can't stop it.
All right! All right!"
by Jd July 24, 2004
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thin, pointy sideburns, very common on young hispanic males, and also black and white copycats.
see above
by Jd March 27, 2004
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