15 definitions by Jakrel

The best game ever invented. Black and whites excel at thy sport. Blacks dunk, whites shoot. End of story.
Hey, MJ, u wanna go play some basketball, wit me, Larry, and Shaq?
by Jakrel April 20, 2005
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The name given to any nasty pitch in baseball.
DAMNIT, quit screwing around and throw him the stinkin' cheese.
by Jakrel May 26, 2005
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Fred: Hey, Jacko, should we pick up that faggot before we go to dinner?
Jacko: Yeeah, we could also use some good wood.
by Jakrel May 29, 2005
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a white guy with suspenders, hair combed to the side, glasses with tape in the middle, wears high shorts, long white socks, sandals, and a old button-up shirt
by Jakrel June 23, 2005
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A drug addict whose skin is tan for one of the following reasons:
1.) The meth they are on makes them think they are ugly (which is pry true) so they go tan
2.) They are on a meth binge and have gotten sunburnt from walking along the highway in the heat for 8 days
3.) Their skin is so wrinkly you can't tell what color it is, so it automatically becomes tan.
Wow, that is some nasty tan trash.
by Jakrel May 29, 2005
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To unload your gun on someone and ultimatley, kill them. A very popular activity in the ghetto.
Nigga 1: Hey you want some of dis sheeit?
Nigga 2: Ah, I don wan dat shit.
Nigga 1: I don give a fuck, I don't play that shit, and I'm about to bust a cap motha nigga.
by Jakrel August 13, 2005
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The retards' way of saying farmer's blow.
Joe: Hey, Jim, you got that farmer snort all over me.

Jim: You dumbass, its called a farmer's blow.
by Jakrel May 16, 2005
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