51 definitions by JakeStar

Home field of the Boston Red Sox. Its tiny, anicent, and smells of beer and urine, but Sox fans wouldn't have it any other way.
by JakeStar July 16, 2005
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GM's attempt at making an environmentally-freidnly vehicle.
With gas prices skyrocketing and our environment being destroyed, GM didnt make a hybrid car, but rather a slightly smaller, slightly more efficient H2.
by JakeStar April 5, 2005
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The first massive gathering of college freshmen after about half a semester at college. Sometimes occurs on Columbus Day weekend, more often Thanksgiving weekend. Named because everyone attending is wearing a hoodie representing their respective college/university.

Pastimes include embelishing college experiences, reminesing about high school days, and hooking up with old high school crushes.
My favorite hoodie party game is "Which chick gained the most weight?"
by JakeStar November 19, 2005
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A group of people sleeping on the floor, for lack of suitable sleeping areas.

The next morning is characterized by sore backs and necks, poor quality of sleep, and at least two people hooking up.
We snuck 13 people into the hotel during the ski trip, the only way we could accomodate them was with a floorgy.
by JakeStar April 18, 2005
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The Daily Show and The Onion. Thats about it.
When CBS has an "intellegence failure" and does an anti-Bush story, 4 people loose their jobs and Dan Rather's career is tainted.

When George W. Bush has an "intellegence failure," we pre-emptively bomb a country, 1,500 Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis die. He says "Oops," gets re-elected.
by JakeStar April 25, 2005
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A "card" which is "played" on one's birthday so the birthday boy or girl can get his or her way.
Blake didn't want to go out clubbing, but Erica played the birthday card and she felt obligated to go.
by JakeStar January 20, 2006
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Said when a CD skips, sounding like a techno remix of the song.
"We jammin' jammin' jammin' ja-ja-ja-ja-ja-ja-ja-ja-ja"

Whoa! I didnt know Bob Marley did a remix of "Jammin'"!
by JakeStar June 2, 2005
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