18 definitions by Jag140

Gangsters are often portrayed as members of the African American Underclass when they come from a variety of backgrounds. True Gangsters were members of Mafias and commited white collar crimes. They were generally wealthy, prestigous, and unlike the "Gangsters" of today, had an elementary school education.
The other type of Gangster would be the trash that prowls the streets. Their habitats range from D-class projects to shitty homes with appliances on the lawn and they have little knowledge of the outside world, resulting in a lack of morals, and the intelligence of an aggressive goat. Gangsters often rob stores with items anyone can afford, they have killed the innocent, including small children. Gangsters are sick bastards that have no value. They plague cities. Gangsters cause racism and without them, the US would be a much better country. Gangsters hate the police, heck they hate anyting that is more valuable in society than they are.
How tough Gangsters are:
Gangster: Wat da fuck, get da fuck of my turf
7 Year Old: I'm telling my mom
Gangster: *Pulls out Colt .45* I'll pop a cap up yo ass bitch
7 Year Old: *Throws a light punch*
Gangster: *Starts Crying*
by Jag140 January 1, 2012
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Suburbs are generally located in metropolitan areas and are for strange reasons, considered to be the worst places in the United States. Many people (especially from the Inner City) think of suburbs as places populated by soccer moms and such, when that isn't entirely true. Other people that live in suburbs will think of them as worthless places with houses that look exactly the same. The media also portrays suburbs with houses that look exactly the same, but that isn't true. There are plenty of nice places in the suburbs, and these are all stereotypes given by ignorant people and spoiled brats that continue to explain suburbs as being boring. Saying such about suburbs is equal to saying that rural areas are filled with rednecks or urban areas are filled with ghettos and thugs. Not all suburbs contain the same looking houses or monotonous mcmansions and ranch houses. I personally live in a suburb that has old but large and unique houses that are at a good distance and the neighbors are friendly. Sure there are many faults with suburbs, but there are also many in urban areas.
A Conversation about the Suburbs

Spoiled suburban brat: "Man these suburbs are so boring, there's nothing to do. This is the worst place in the world."

Someone from an urban area after seeing a movie: "How can anyone live in the suburbs, there are soccer moms driving SUV's and houses that look exactly the same."

Moderately Intelligent Person actually from suburbs: "I live in the suburbs and the houses don't look exactly the same. Infact they would be easier to find than a specific apartment. Stop coming up with stereotypes. Also, there is plenty to do if you aren't lazy, just hangout with friends or find a hobby and quit whining you simpleton."
by Jag140 July 14, 2011
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Founded on July 4, 1776, the United States is the 4th largest country in the world and has around 310 million people living in it. Although it is a western nation founded by European countries, Native Americans have been living in it for thousands of years. Because of the western world's superior technology (similar to that of a 1950's science fiction where aliens conquer earth) and diseases, the Native American people faced genocide. Although the United States has high development and is a wealthy country, other nations criticize the United States because they view US citizens as fat and lazy, when most are hardworking and honest people. Although the US has many freedoms, this has lead to semi-literate partially insane morons abuse the power to create prejudice groups such as the WBC. Another flaw would indicate that people in the United States are starting lack integrity and intelligence as time progresses. Although there are still many intelligent people, it is partially true considering the fact that lower apes have been involved in politics multiple times.
Welcome to the United States, population 311,714,418
by Jag140 July 7, 2011
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Firearms are used for several reasons
-Cheating in a knife fight
-Commiting Crimes
-Destroying small objects out of boredom
-Target Practice
These tools first came around in China with the work of gunpowder. Europe began using firearms in the late 1300s. In the 1500s, the arquebus arrived and anyone could be recruited into the army in a short time, thus knights or any other honorary soldier that had spent a years to a lifetime training weren't needed as little skill was involved in operating a gun. In modern times, many countries have banned them, but they remain common in criminal hands. Although most firearm owners are honest non-criminals, any idiotic scum can get their hands on a firearm, giving it a bad reputation, and giving politicians thought about banning specific guns. There is much controversy in this issue, afterall some people just like going duck hunting with 155mm howitzers, and small concealable silenced automatic weapons designed for murder are perfectly safe after all.
"Firearms are great"-Chuck Norris
by Jag140 July 10, 2011
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A gathering of communication between noobs and immature prepubescent twelve year old kids. Xbox live has many great features that a PC doesn't, such as:
1. You have to pay a lot of money to play online
2. You can't hack or modify the game without being banned
3. Unlike PC's, Xbox 360 gaming will eventually become obsolete
4. The audio of spoiled elementary school children playing games that are rated M and cursing in a squeaky and humorous tone (ex: You fucking Noob! Hax!)

A famous game played on Xbox Live would be the Call of Duty Series. This game is meant to be for a mature audience, but it is generally played by children after they learn to walk. When CoD became popular, most kids stopped playing Cowboys and Indians outside and eventually converted into Communists vs Nazis. This game is also used to recruit idiotic teenagers (specifically jocks and stoners) that think they are tough to join the marines. These people turn into arrogant morons that think they are weapons experts and hardcore in which you pray for whatever god you believe in to smite them. Not all Xbox Live players are bad, but the few that are can ruin the experience.
A "civilized" conversation on Xbox Live:

Stoner: Dude, I am pwning in Xbox Live you fuckin bitches, fuck you!

Prepubescant Child: You fucking noob, you can't do that you pussy Hax!

Spoiled Fatass Teenager: Shut up you faggot!
by Jag140 July 8, 2011
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A wangsta is anyone that attemps to emulate "ghetto culture." These people will often travel in groups and harass or hang out with younger kids. They wear backwards hats, basketball jerseys, and have serious rap battles with their "homies." They are generally white, but can be of any race and gender. People also often tend to dislike them, but they don't know it and continue to act unpleasant to the point in which outcasts wouldn't bother with them. A lot of them are similar to ricers.
Example 1:
Jimmy: Yo man, check out dees rims. They're custom on mah low rider.

Bob: You mean your Honda Civic?

Example 2:
Carl: Party at my crib yo!

Bob: You mean your mcmansion in the suburbs?

Carl: I'll pop a cap up yo ass punk.

Example 3:
Carl: Hey punk, you steppin on my turf? *Pulls out capgun

Jimmy: No Stupidass, now get the fuck off before I call my homies! *Starts throwing girly punches and hurling bad insults

Bob: Stupid Wangstas.
by Jag140 September 21, 2011
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The word gay is an informal way to say homosexual or to describe that someone is glad. It is most commonly used today though (mainly by Pre-Teens and younger teenagers) to describe something that is stupid or weird. That term is generally used as a mild and nonoffensive insult to someone or something or an unfortunate occurence.

Bob: Dammit, I got another detention today for being late to class.

Carl: That sucks. That is really gay.
by Jag140 August 6, 2011
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