25 definitions by ICSHialeah

Alice: "Stop drooling over that photograph. Those are computer hooters".
Ralph: "Hommina-hommina-hommina!!!"
by ICSHialeah August 7, 2009
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The highest form of intelligent life in the history of the planet earth.
Michael: "Damn, that guy's smart! Did he stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?"

Patrick: He's even smarter than THAT...he's a MET FAN!!!
by ICSHialeah August 2, 2009
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A woman who is so undesirable that she can kill an already erect cock within seconds of appearing.
Shirley is such an erecticide...my masssive wood went limp as soon as she walked through the door.
by ICSHialeah August 10, 2009
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Grab me a few pages of the New York Times, please. We're out of bowel towels again.
by ICSHialeah August 10, 2009
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