33 definitions by I got you back

Short hand for the worlds largest retailer of video games. Game Stop or G-Stop, or G-Stizzle or even Gizzle-Stizzle is easily the best places to pick up video games because unlike some 24 hour mega stores (I'm not gonna say any names but I'm thinking of a store whose name rhymes with ball-fart), the employees are actually hired based on game knowledge instead of being bounced from the meat department for cutting off their pinky.
Man 1: Where'd you go to pick up this game?
Man 2: Well first I went to an electronics store and some dude kept trying to sell me a paper shredder so I left and went to G-Stop, and the people there where actually informative and knowledgeable. I was able to pick up a used copy for much cheaper then a new one and when I finish it I'm going to pick up that new game that’s about to come out.
by I got you back September 12, 2009
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When you sit in a co-workers chair and fart with your butt pressed firmly into the seat, thus causing the odor to be trapped in the seat cushion. It's like planting a bomb but stinky.
Man 1: (sits down at his chair) Why do I smell a fart when there's nobody around me?
Man 2: I gave you a creeper fart like 20 minutes ago.
by I got you back July 12, 2009
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The first jerk of the day. This is the reason god invented morning wood. Popularized by Alligator Dave in the song Spank My Monkey.
Man 1: I had a mean case of morning wood today.

Man 2: What did you do?

Man 1: I got started chopping the lumber down of course.
by I got you back July 19, 2009
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Another name for a bathroom/water closet/ head/ wash room/ powder room/ crapper
Man 1: Where did Jose go?

Man 2: He’s busy destroying the Shitatorium with an un-godly torrent of Mexican food based shit!
by I got you back July 12, 2009
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Similar to a Clam Bowl which is the female version of a fruit bowl but in this variation, the woman must have a yeast infection. The cheesier the yeast, the more "chowdery" the effect will be.
I would've gotten with her but, when she dropped trow, it was a the biggest bowl of clam chowder I have ever seen!
by I got you back September 21, 2011
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