1 definition by Hoyt from the Ledge

A place that should be avoided at all costs. If you are here, move out. The job market is very poor. It is nearly impossible to advance your career, or get a job that is not minimum wage or less than $25K per year. The people here are very shallow. You cannot carry on a conversation with anyone if it does not involve drinking, sports, or which beer joint you will be hanging out in tonight. The downtown is a lifeless concrete nightmare, full of vacant buildings and run down homes. There is 5/3 Field, which is about the only good thing there. The general lack of unique things to see and do here without the "been there done that" feeling is appalling. The weather is cold, dreery, rainy, cloudy, and oppressively humid in the summer. Perpetual road construction. I-280 is in year 36 of construction.
(1)Toledo is the armpit of Ohio.

by Hoyt from the Ledge November 30, 2006
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