11 definitions by Homie G

A white, knock off version of "Gangsta" possibly having origins of a white, wanna be slut named Brittany. Also, refers to an object and not so much a person. No, not Spears.
That whip is so gangsturr yo!
by Homie G October 4, 2004
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A highly destructive explosive that according to George Bush, was a common fixture in every Iraqi household. However, upon searching for sed weapons, they disappeared.
Dubya: The Iraqi's have WMD's!
The Rest Of The World: WMD otherwise known as Weapons of Mass Disappearance.
Dubya: Uhhhhh (pause for terrible effect) What?
by Homie G October 4, 2004
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A trashy ass female or male that is more than glad to do everyone in da world including their own sex "doggy style"
An example of not a ho see Ana
by Homie G April 14, 2004
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A man that is never there for any important things in your life and spends his time drinking and nagging like a pregnant woman...Yes he tries to hit you too
Daddy! I'm getting married, can you go?

Hell no, can't you see tomorrow is the soccer game?

see the definition for Ana
by Homie G April 15, 2004
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