12 definitions by Heather The Great

-meaning a chick who acts like a dude

-basically a man that is occasionally on the rag
Guy #1-Dude, she's pretty hot.
Guy #2-Fuck you tool. That Ragman is my best friend. She's off limits.
by Heather The Great April 2, 2005
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-character in the movie "trick or treat"

-a metal head
I love Ragman even though he is played by Skippy from Goodtimes!
by Heather The Great April 2, 2005
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-meaning completely cool, wicked, gnarly, groovy, slammin', bangin', ect...
Dude! That fuckin' concert was so boss!
by Heather The Great April 2, 2005
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means farted, blew ass, released methane into the air---usually in someone's face
Fuck dude, Dean 100% bass'd in Betsy's face! It smelled so rank!
by Heather The Great April 1, 2005
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